So often we get caught up in all the fancy, beautiful, formal and sensational outfits that are available in Second Life. Bravura Homme is no exception and have available to their clients, some of the most wonderful offers in-world!
This new outfit from Bravura Homme has all the qualities of understated elegance. Smart, Casual, yet totally relaxed. The Mesh is beautifully made! Hence the name "Leonard Relaxed Outfit" and.. It comes with a great HUD.. 5 choices each for the Shirt and Trousers.
The outfit is now available as a "Pre-Release" at the Sunday Park Sale at 50% discount for a week. It will then move to their Main Shop at full price.
Bravura! Homme invites you to pop down to the Sunday Park Sale and pickup one of these beautifully made Mesh garments!
Shirt & Trousers: NEW! Leonard Relaxed Outfit with HUD - Bravura Homme @ Sunday Park Sale!
Shoes: NEW! CA Leather Ankle Boots Brown Snake Wcut - Bravura Homme Main Store
Shape: Custom Marty - Ooh-la-licious
Skin: Marcello - Ooh-la-licious
Hair:Peyton - Argrace
Hands: Men's Casual - Slink
Fingernails and Toenails: NEW! Wild Gold wHUD - ZOZ
Hugs till later,