Thursday, 30 October 2014

Dirty Turkey HUNT Starts Tomorrow!

 The grid wide Dirty Turkey Hunt starts tomorrow (1st November) and runs through to the 30th November. To date there are around 132 shops participating and all the hunt items are free.
 Be sure to visit BRAVURA! Homme and search for the Turkey Box. Their hunt gift is a  full suit textured in the very HOT Fall/Winter colours and shades of Tobacco!

HintLook for the furry number, who's eyes glow in the dark!

Best wishes for a Happy Hunt,
Marty Dalglish -

Friday, 24 October 2014

Awesome Men's Overall with HUD from BRAVURA! Homme

There really is not too much that can be said about the New BRAVURA! Homme Men's Overalls with HUD.. One word will suffice "AWESOME!" The Fit, The Texture Selection, simply everything about this garment is great. Let the photograph's say it all. Bet to pop down to their Main Shop and try on the DEMO for yourself.

Best wishes,
Marty Dalglish

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

BRAVURA! Homme Releases New Winter Scarves!

Today BRAVURA! Homme release their new range of winter scarves. There are two designs, front/back Fold and a Tube version. They both have the very good Bosh resize script. Non-Rigged mesh and so very easy to position.

Made with very warm knitted wool in a variety of colours. The "tube" is unisex and the "Front/Back Fold" comes in Male and Female versions. They are available individually or as a "Fatpack"

Best wishes, Marty Dalglish

Friday, 17 October 2014

This weeks Roundup at BRAVURA! Homme

It has been a very busy week in the sewing room at BRAVURA! Homme, with a new release and many s'EXCLUSIVE'S in the pipeline.

The Wood's Handknitted Sweater in various colours, has been released and is available at our Main Shop and the various Bravura Boutiques.

On sale at the Lyfe of Style event is the very popular  Corded Jacket and Jeans Outfits available in three colourway's. This is a popular weekly event where you will be able to obtain a different BRAVURA! Homme outfit at L$75 each week.

Celebrating the opening of The Pure Luxury Mall, our boutique there is on sale at the moment with all garments reduced by 50% and a GREAT HUNT item - Hint "Look for the furry number"

In the pipeline, BRAVURA! Homme will be participating in The grid wide Dirty Turkey Hunt, The Winter edition at The Thrift Shop and Penumbra's "Sneak Peek" event. We will release dates and book limo's for you shortly.

Finally, The HOT sellers this week at our BRAVURA! Homme Main Shop has been the recently introduced Knitted Cardigan with HUD and the entire Stone Collection range.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes,

Marty Dalglish - Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Main Store In-World

Friday, 10 October 2014

Hand Knitted Sweater released by BRAVURA! Homme

Yes!-- Winter is fast approaching and BRAVURA! Homme have introduced and entire Autumn / Winter collection that can be viewed at their main shop. Their newest garment, released today, is a very beautiful mesh Hand knitted sweater they have called "Woods". Available in 5 colours, it teams up very well with the recently launched BRAVURA! Homme Corded Jeans that are available in numerous colours. Of course to keep your feet warm, the non-rigged Trail Boots are simply a must.

Besides the comfort and up to date colours, there is something a little different about the mesh sizes this time round, there are 3 standard sizes S - M - L (No XL and No XS) plus TWO different "Fitted Mesh" Sizes. Having tried them on various avatar's, the fit is superb for mesh. I personally have honed in on the "Fitted Mesh v1". It fits like a glove.

Pop down to the main shop for a fitting. You will be amazed at the comfort.

Here are the other colours available

Photography done at the wonderful sim, West Coast , a photographers paradise!

Best wishes,

Marty Dalglish - Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Main Store In-World

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Hunt and Opening Specials at the NEW BARVURA! Homme Boutique

Hot on the heels of the recent celebration of their new Main shop, the BRAVURA! Homme Boutique at Pure Luxury Mall celebrates their opening with a great Men's HUNT and all items at the boutique will be offered at 50% off shelf price. This offer runs from 11th October and ends at midnight 19th October.

Have great fun!

Here is a look at the HUNT item, a black mesh Cat-Suit with fancy self coloured applique work.

The HINT > "Look for the Furry Number"!
The HINT > "Look for the Furry Number"!

Best wishes,
Marty Dalglish - Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Boutique @ Pure Luxury Mall

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Kai Demen presents The Rage Outfit from BRAVURA! Homme

Love your work Kai!... here he shows the NEW Rage Outfit with HUD from BRAVURA! Homme.
Jacket with Tee and awesome jeans. All are hand painted and s'Exclusive.. Not to be found in every nook and cranny of the grid!

Best Wishes,
Marty Dalglish - Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Main Store In-World

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Seven Wishes Plaza Grand Opening - TODAY!

The very Smart, Fabulous and Chic Seven Wishes Plaza celebrates their opening today. Over the next four days [3rd October to 6th October], all merchants sim wide, will be offering 50% off their shelf prices. There is so much to see and buy, both for Him and for Her! We are celebrating jointly with MOoh!, Masoom, K-Otic, Endorphin, {ZOZ}, and {ZOZ}{KIDS}!

BRAVURA! Homme chose this sim to base their flagship shop. The reason was very simple really. The level of sim management and element of shear professionalism was clearly evident as well as the very careful selection of merchants, all who strive to give their customers top class and quality merchandise.

Not only are BRAVURA! Homme offering 50%, they are also awarding their existing group members a     L$250 store credit and will be waiving their small Group Joining fee [L$100] during the celebration. They have also set out a selection of Group Exclusives for their clients.

It is truly time to "Shop till you drop" at these amazing offers! Your LIMO

Best wishes,

Marty Dalglish - Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Main StoreIn-World

BRAVURA! Homme Keeps You Warm This Winter!

The new s'EXCLUSIVE BRAVURA! Homme Knitted Cardigan and Scarf is sure to keep you "Snug as a Bug in a Rug" this winter. Beautifully made and textured.. and talk about comfort! Very smart and stylish, ensuring that the Men of SL will look super smart this season.

The HUD is truly awesome, offering 6 Cardigan colours - 14 Tee Shirt Colours and patterns - 12 Scarf patterns and colours.

Be sure to pop down to the NEW BRAVURA! Homme Main Shop and try on their latest creation.

Best Wishes,
Marty Dalglish Blog - FB - Flickr - Marketplace -  NEW Main Store In-World

Also available at The BRAVURA! Homme  "Boutiques":