Monday, 30 November 2015

Peace on Earth 8 - The Hunt of the Year!

It is our way of saying thank you for all your support over the past year. Two garments in this hunt from B!Homme and B!Femme. They are co-ordinated to enable Mr. and Mrs. To sail through Christmas and the New Year looking fabulous.

"Reach for the Stars" and look for the two globes. One for Him and one for Her at the B!Homme New Release Boutique. December 1st, 2015 to January 9th, 2016.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and may 2016 bring to humanity, Peace on Earth.

Marty Dalglish and Cuyler DaRand
Christmas 2015

Friday, 6 November 2015

Asian is the name of the Game!

This month the theme at the Stuff Sales Room is "Asian". B!Homme and B!Femme put their heads together to create two simply awesome, co-ordinated outfits for Him and for Her. Rather than tgo to the Far East for inspiration, they chose India. A beautiful Sari for the ladies and a flamboyant Hoodie and leggings for the men. The garments could easily be worn as traditional Indian Bridal outfits or a candle lit romantic dinner for two.

Pop on down to their booth at the Stuff Sales Room and grab them.. They will not break the bank.

Best wishes,
Marty Dalglish and Cuyler DaRand

B!Homme & B!Femme @ their in-world New Release Boutique
B!Homme Marketplace
B!Femme Marketplace

Saturday, 24 October 2015

New - Unusual and Will Keep You Warm This Winter!


The new B!Homme Warm winter Jacket keeps your hands in your pocket :) Rigged Mesh in the 5 standard sizes.

Available 6 colours and a full pack. Good masculine textures. I have tested on Mesh bodies (Slink and TMP) and fits well using the mesh alpha huds.

This one is certainly unusual and very seldom seen!

Wishing you all a great weekend.
Marty Dalglish

B!Homme - In-World - Marketplace - FB - Flickr

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Smart Formal Shoes with HUD

A great new release from B!Homme. Well made non-rigged mesh shoes with socks. You get two pairs of shoes, one without and one with socks. The HUD offers you four shoe colour's, Black, Oxblood, Navy and Brown, while the socks come in a variety of silk, knitted and argyle, 20 colour's in all.

You will be wearing these quality leather shoes for years to come :)

Happy Sunday to you all.
Marty Dalglish

B!Homme - In-World - Marketplace - FB - Flickr

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Your Halloween Gift has Arrived!

Hard to believe that Halloween is just about here. Just seemed like yesterday. This year B!Homme have made a very wearable popped collar "Autumn Flame" shirt for you all. Remember to wear your group tag when you come and get it.

Kind wishes,
Marty Dalglish

B!Homme - In-World - Marketplace - FB - Flickr

Friday, 2 October 2015

Keeping Warm on a Winter Walk!

Fabulously designed mesh, beautiful detailed wool, perfectly rigged and the hottest Men's colour's of the season. What more can I say? Only available at B!Homme New Release Boutique. - Enjoy!


Black Raven - The NEW Black




Stormy Weather - HOT WINTER COLOUR
Turtle Neck Sweater available in six hot winter colour's - B!Homme NEW
DuraBoy Hair #61 - Dura
Men's Mesh Physique Body - Slink
Glowing Skin - Giovanni - Ooh-La-Licious
Eyes - # 21 - Ooh-La-Licious

Kind wishes,
Marty Dalglish

B!Homme - In-World - Marketplace - FB - Flickr

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

A fond farewll!

Our NEW Logo - B!Homme

Today, we bid a fond farewell to the label BRAVURA! - Our in-world Main Shop will close its doors on the 30th September.

However, we will revert to the B!Homme label and retain a presence in-world at our  "B!Homme New Release Boutique"

Our Second Life Marketplace, with a selection of our most popular garments and further new creations as they are released, will still be active.

It is with a heart full of gratitude that we thank YOU for the support and encouragement you have given us in-world over the past 3 years. The Free to Join, BRAVURA Homme Group WILL remain open to keep you informed as we move forward with the "B!Homme New Release Boutique" and the SL Marketplace.

Kind wishes,
Marty Dalglish

B!Homme CEO

Thursday, 10 September 2015

LOD 1 - "The 24" Co-Ordinated Zipped Shirt and Jeans with HUD!

A once off, specially created for "The 24" from BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme. Only 100 copies available grid wide. Once the outfit is sold out, it will never be seen at BRAVURA! again. Besides being contemporary, the HUD gives the option of choosing some of the HOT Men's fashion colours for this Autumn/Winter season.

 Available from 11th September, only at BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme @ "The 24"

Best wishes,
Marty Dalglish
BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme

Visit BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme @ The 24 2015

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The 24 Countdown Has Begun!

One can feel the excitement and anticipation. "The 24" is just about here. Over the next week, we will be showing you the extensive range that BRAVURA! Home ofB!Homme has created for you our loyal customers. Feedback from various Siren Production bloggers has been awesome and we are very humbled by some of the glowing things they are saying. All the items are exclusives to The 24, one of them will be a very limited release - only 100 will be sold grid wide and then be gone forever. Once again, as is our tradition at this major event, we will be introducing you to the top fashionable men's colours of Autumn/Winter 2015/2016.

We are also very pleased to invite you to attend the BRAVURA! Runway Show to be held on Sunday the 13th September 12.00 pm SLT to 1.00 pm SLT. We will let you have the arrival landmark as soon as it is available.

Above is a picture of the BRAVURA! Shop at the event and below a sneak look at a collage of some our new releases at this very prestigious event.

So looking forward to greeting you at BRAVURA! Homeof B!Homme when you visit "The 24" - Event opens Friday 11th September. Landmark will be provided nearer the time.

Kind regards,
Marty Dalglish

BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme CEO

Thursday, 20 August 2015

The Weekend at BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme

A wonderful New sÉxclusive from BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme - The Men's Sweater Set "Retro Pop Art" for the men out there who love brighter and bolder colours! 3 versions. Only available at the Main Shop 

TheThrift Shop round 10 is on the go and hectic. BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme is there with their event exclusive Moustache Uneck Shirt and Urban Shorts with HUD. A great creation at an even greater price! While visiting, have a look at other garments that BRAVURA! Have on offer at 50% discount.

BRAVURA! Have also joined "My 60L Secret" that runs with fresh products every Friday. This week we have on special, the mesh B!Homme Vintage Rollup Jeans Dark Blue.. Great price!

Have a happy weekend!

Best Wishes,
Marty Dalglish
BRAVURA! - Home of B!Homme

Thursday, 13 August 2015

I hate to tell you…. But Autumn/Winter is on the way

"Hey Buddy" - Come Soon Poses at Thrift Shop

I hate to tell you…. But Autumn/Winter is on the way. In preparation BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme, has created the first of a planned series of garments for the chilly weather. This new Men's Sweater with HUD is dedicated to the fashionable man, one who is aware of style and the trendy colours for Autumn/Winter.

The colours are fantastic for the season with wonderful names such as Coca Bean, Black Raven, Lava Rock, Baked Clay, Desert Sage, Dried Herb, Marsala, Oak Buff, Reflecting Pond, Stormy Weather, Cadmium Orange and many more. True to form, BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme, as promised, promotes the Men's Fashion Colours each season.

The new BRAVURA! Men's Sweater with HUD, is full of the new Autumn/Winter colours and there are endless colour combinations from the conservative to the more daring. You are simply going to love this one. Beautifully made mesh and very detailed fabric. You are able to change the Sweater, The Vest, The Shirt and the Tie.

NOTE: HOT HOT HOT this season are all the earthy browns, beiges, khakis, all worn together in different combinations and different textures. This garment fills all these criteria to ensure you will keep fashionably colourful (or muted) all day long.

 The above are just a few of the colour combos, out of hundreds, that you are able to achieve.

Men's Sweater with HUD - BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme
Hair: No.  - Dura
Shape and Skin - Giovanni by Ooh-La-Licious
1st Picture - Set and Pose "Hey Buddy" - Come Soon Poses at Thrift Shop
All Other Poses - Image Essentials

Best wishes,
Marty Dalglish

Thursday, 6 August 2015

This Weekend at BRAVURA! - Home of B!Homme

TheThrift Shop round 10 opens today and BRAVURA! Home of B!Homme will be there with their event exclusive Moustache Uneck Shirt and Urban Shorts with HUD. A great creation at an even greater price! While visiting, have a look at other garments that BRAVURA! Have on offer at 50% discount.

BRAVURA! Have also joined "My 60L Secret" that runs with fresh products every Friday. This week the NEW B!Homme Scottish Kilt with HUD is the offer.. What a price!

Have a happy weekend!

Best Wishes,
Marty Dalglish
BRAVURA! - Home of B!Homme