Friday, 26 July 2013

Join The PAPARAZZI CLUB - You Could WIN L$500 Weekly!

The NEW PaparazziCLUB at Virtual Gay World [VGW], is a Photographic Studio, exclusively for the use of its Members. We use the very latest technology and Mesh designed Studio in Second Life! - Join our club and show us your studio skills. L$500 weekly prize for best photograph submitted by members. Full Details & Location in-world.

Join The Paparazzi Club


A number of people, in discussion, mentioned that they would like to try photography in Second Life, however did not have the funds to spend on equipment. So we decided, as a starting point, to build and create "The Paparazzi Club" thus allowing  those new to Second Life and new to Photography, to experiment with the latest technology in Studios.

Why the "Weekly" Competition?

The main object of the competition is to keep Enthusiasm at a high point all the time. Most "Professional" photographic competitions run  for extended periods of time, even up to a month, however we decided that we would like our members and their friends [the voters], to practice hard and experiment with the Studio as often as they can.

The Competition Schedule - A "Tight" one!

The weekly Competition will open on a Monday Morning [ CET time ] and entrants can start showing their photographs. Once 10 entries have been received, the voting will start.
As the "Canvases" are filled, more boards will be added for additional entries.
While voting is taking place, the entrants can start photographing for the next weeks entries.
Voting will end on the Sunday, with the winner announced in the evening [ CET time ]


A "Winner Takes All" prize of L$500 is offered weekly!
Note: As the Paparazzi Club grows in membership, and as our negotiations with sponsors are finalized, we will be adding a 2nd and 3rd prize. The additional prizes with be of a "Photographic" nature. The 1st prize will always remain a cash prize that will grow in value as the membership of The Paparazzi Club increases!


THE FULL RULES can be obtained in-world by clicking on the Competition module at The Paparazzi Club.
Note: One of the most important aspects, is your photograph MUST be taken using the "Dakota Touch Studio"  at The PaparazziClub!

If you need any further help, please drop me a note card in-world.

Hugs to you all and Best of Luck to all the entrants,

Matt Paparazzi [  Marty Dalglish ]

Here is a picture of the latest "Dakota Touch Studio" that we have installed for our group members to use!


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