Monday, 9 December 2013

I am in Heaven - "My" top three Designers have outdone themselves!

Once again JohnFrancis Laville of the JFL HAT SHOP has outdone himself! We all know what a Kufi hat looks like and with each version that JohnFransis has released, he has shown us that a Kufi hat is NOT just a Kufi Hat. This time round he has more than outdone himself. The subtlety of the mesh design and textures, both hand crafted by the maestro himself, is more than evident. No doubt, you will all want at least one  this  NEW JFL Kufi v.4 Hat on your head :) Here are the colours available!

As for YASUM's NEW NATIVE Step Mokassin's with HUD! Show me another pair in the whole of SL that can come even close to these. In a previous post, I showed you the Dead End boots and said at the time that this designer is amongst the very best in SL. Well, I stand by my comment that Azlyn Vaher (Lyn) is simply one of the best!

Takuya Jin of GABRIEL has always been one of my BEST creators. His NEW EXCLUSIVE Studded Gloves, fit like a glove, and look simply amazing. I have garnered many enquiries in the 24 hours that I have been wearing them. He also reads the market well and the NEW KEY RING Necklace available for men and women is beautifully crafted!

These hand crafted items been made EXCLUSIVELY for the J&A Expo. Soooo.. go grab yourself these QUALITY items! You will have years of stylish Accessories to wear for years to come!

 The NEW! Exclusive Kufi Hat v.4 from The JFL Hat Shop!

 The NEW! Exclusive Native Step Mokassin with HUD from YASUM

Yasum Mokassin HUD
The NEW! Exclusive Native Step Mokassin with HUD from YASUM
Available for Men and Women!

 Steam Punk Gatcha's from YASUM! @ The J&A Expo

Hat: NEW EXCLUSIVE! Kufi v.4 Hat - The JFL AT SHOP @ J&A Expo
Jacket/Shirt: Gage Shirt Brown Stripes - Delirium Style
Trousers: Relaxed Pants No.03 - Delirium Style
Shoes: NEW EXCLUSIVE Native Step Mokassin with HUD - YASUM @ J&A Expo
Gloves: NEW EXCLUSIVE! Studded Globe Brown Glove - GABRIEL @ J&A Expo
Eyeware: NEW EXCLUSIVE! Leather Covered Sunglasses - GABRIEL @ J&A Expo
Shape: Special Custom Marty "for Marcello" - Ooh-la-licious [NEW Location!]
Skin:  Marcello Chai Buzz Cut with Goatee Stubble Tattoo - Ooh-la-licious [NEW Location!]
Hair: Hair base tintable , The Cube - Kmadd
Hands: Male Relaxed - Slink
Eyes: Luminous 26 - Ooh-la-licious [NEW LOCATION]
Jewellery: NEW EXCLUSIVE! Key Necklace Male Brown - GABRIEL @ J&A Expo
Jewellery: Okaki Face Piercing Set - Mandala

Hugs till next post, Matt Paparazzi [Marty Dalglish-Matt's Photography, Gallery, Studio and Club Paparazzi]

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